Saturday, November 25, 2006

Malaysia Boleh?

Malaysia Boleh!

Such an inspiring cry. Such a challenge to dream big dreams, to attempt the impossible.

Such a perfect waste that it's used to justify idiocy, that its only success so far has been to spur Malaysians on to greater heights of stupidity.

Let's try doing something really intelligent and worthwhile, something beneficial to humankind, before we proudly say 'Malaysia Boleh'.

Otherwise, we'd only be patting ourselves on the back for a job not done.

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Cellphone In Church

Picture this : A young woman in church, holding her cellphone, tapping furiously away at the keypad while Pastor is preaching.

What's your first thought?

Some people will accept this as normal. Personally, I'd think that the young woman is rude and my opinion of her would go down a few notches.

But wait!

It turns out that she forgot to bring her notebook and a pen with her, and she's actually saving Pastor's message in her cellphone.

What's that again about judging people?

Friday, November 10, 2006

Question : What do you do when you ask God for something you want so badly, but He says no?

Answer : You get down on your knees and thank Him! Gratefully.


Thursday, November 09, 2006


There are so many reports in the daily newspapers about girls and women getting raped, it's just sickening.

While I strongly disagree with the mentality that the rape victim "asked for it" - that's just like blaming the traffic jam when you woke up late in the first place - I cannot help but think that some rape victims should have been more alert and actually fought back.

Take, for example, the ones who were raped at knife- or gunpoint.

Personally, if some scumbag approached me with a weapon, I'd immediately know that I'm going to be hurt anyway.

And I'd rather be maimed than be raped.

It's wishful thinking that the scumbag would actually let me go once he did whatever he wanted to do. He wouldn't.

So why lie down? Why give in so easily?

Why not fight and get hurt, rather than give in and get raped and hurt?

Friday, November 03, 2006

Scary Me

Me? Scary?

It's quite an amusing thought, especially since it's true.

I don't go around biting people's heads off (since I'm not overly fond of the way brains taste), and yet many people see me and feel creeped.

Hmm, the way I look, maybe? I doubt that, though, because I'm short. Short people just aren't meant to look menacing - unless they're kids; then they're positively terrifying.

I honestly don't know why some people find me scary. It can't be my piss-you-off-motormouth either, because they find me scary even before I say anything!

If you know why, feel free to leave suggestions, okay? I really wanna know what's so scary about me.

At least it'll solve any Halloween problems I might have - I can just go as myself and save the trouble of renting any costumes.