Tuesday, January 16, 2007

This REALLY Happened!

At an eatery in a certain mall in the Pearl of the Orient, both of which shall remain unnamed...

Friend (to waiter) : May I have a glass of ice water, please?

Waiter (perfectly straight-faced, seriously) : We don't have ice water here. But we have water with ice.

Friend (stunned) : Er...okay. I'll have it.

Me, witnessing scene : *MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA* (red-faced)

Thank goodness I wasn't drinking any (ice) water or other drinks at that time. Otherwise I would've choked.
I am so sick of people's expectations of and assumptions about me.

I am sick of the way my actions are scrutinized, watched silently by cunning eyes, then spread all over on filthy, malicious tongues like poison; a fetid, fulsome miasma.

I am sick of how my intentions and thoughts are twisted through the repulsive kaleidoscope of other people's minds, how they see my actions and come up with their own reasons and conclusions about why I act the way I do, even though every single interpretation they come up with are false and hurtful.

I am sick of how, no matter what I do, I seem to be stuck in a bad light anyway.

I am sick of how, when I need acceptance and comfort, I find judgment.

I am sick of how, when I give loyalty, I find betrayal.

I am sick of how, because of another's selfish act, I lose someone's trust.

I am sick of how, when I try to be a friend, I end up being the "bad" person.

No matter which path I choose to tread, I will end up being "traitor".

If I'm truly the bad person you think I am, I'd flip you the middle finger and ask you to go to ****.

But you're wrong. You're all wrong.
Voodoo Girl
Her skin is white cloth,
and she's all sewn apart
and she has many colored pins
sticking out of her heart.....
.....But she knows she has a curse on her,
a curse she cannot win.
For if someone gets too close to her,
the pins stick farther in.
This is an excerpt from "Voodoo Girl", a rhyme by Tim Burton.
I feel like Voodoo Girl sometimes.

Thursday, January 11, 2007


I'm dead tired. I need to re-examine my relationship with Him.

Saturday, January 06, 2007

Sometimes when I tell you about something which makes me angry, I really don't need your sermonizing.

I don't need you to give me reasons not to be angry, or to suggest alternatives because I already know it in my head. I just need a friend to talk to.

You can help me best by listening, not by telling me what to do. Leave that last part to God.

When I'm angry and I tell it to you, and you start preaching to me, it makes me angrier and I feel like smashing things.

When I tell you things, please just listen.

I'll calm down on my own.

Don't start preaching, because I will go crazy.