Crazy Paper Chase
If anything, the stories are getting worse. Kiasuism is alive and well!
Instead of being thankful for all the As they get, some students are disappointed by the single B etched on their result slips. Instead of feeling happy for all the As they get, they grumble about how some of the As are actually A2s, not A1s.
Their tales of 'woe' and frustration are faithfully chronicled in local dailies. Kiasu parents will be backing their equally kiasu children up. Actually, my theory is that kiasu parents are the reason why kiasu children exist.
All the while, only one phrase runs through my mind - "What the hell is wrong with these people???!!!"
It says something about the condition of their hearts and minds when they start complaining about some tiny little thing. So what if you get a measly B among all those As? Will one B really ruin your life forever? (And if you answer 'yes', then you seriously need professional help, the kind where you pay to lie down on a couch and spill your troubles).
So what if you get a less-than-perfect result slip? It really doesn't determine how good you are at applying all your knowledge. All it proves is that you're good at memorizing and regurgitating all the stuff you read (I won't even use the word 'learnt').
Wake up, people! There's more to life than how many As you get. It's not the end of the world even if you don't get a single A.
Greedy people, people hungry for recognition, are never going to be satisfied with what they have. They'll just grow more and more miserable and selfish.
I'm not denouncing the drive to do better. I'm not attacking good students. I'm just saying that there's a line between 'excellency' and 'kiasuism'. There's nothing wrong with wanting to get good results, but it's definitely terrifying if you're greedy, kiasu, and you cannot appreciate what you have.
Remember that even if you win the rat race, you're still a rat.