Monday, February 26, 2007

Penang Drivers

It's easy to tell when you're getting near Penang, driving along the highway. The drivers get crazy, and cars around you begin weaving in and out of the lanes, overtaking on the left lane, tailgating (and scaring the daylights out of) slow-moving cars. Doing 80km/h 100 meters from the toll house.

Yea, we're not in Oz anymore. We're in the territory of the Drivers From Hell.

Every day on the roads, it seems like there's a contest going on, drivers competing to win the "illustrious" Driver From Hell Award.

There's the Beating The Traffic Light round. Needs no explanation. Points will be deducted if you are stopped by traffic police.

There's the Sudden Turnings contest, the objective of which is to wait until an oncoming car is 50 meters or less away and then do a mad dash across its path, turning into another lane and causing the oncoming car to brake suddenly. Bonus points if the oncoming car was fast.

The Road Hog round - prevent the driver behind you from overtaking by driving in the middle of the road. Best if you're neither on the right lane nor on the left lane of a one-way street, but ON the white line itself. The slower you drive, the more points you get.

Then there's the Slow-Driving Special. This is doing 40km/h or less on the road. Bonus points if there's a long line of cars behind you, and you're definitely one of the Top Three Drivers From Hell if you do it right before the traffic light turns amber and there are no cars in front of you (so that you're the only driver to get through while preventing the other cars from passing).

Drivers will be judged based on Aggressiveness and Inconsideration.

It seems like the worst drivers all around the world are congregated here. Sometimes I wonder if these DsFH are born, or made...

After all, the best defense is a good offense.


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