Friday, June 01, 2007

A list of people who have helped me to get to where I am in my Christian walk with God, in a (relatively) chronological order:

1) Alice - for sharing the gospel with me way back in Form 2. Although my spiritual eyes weren't open yet, it helped later on.

2) Uncle HC - for bringing me to church! If I hadn't attended church with him, I would still be living my old life.

3) Pastor Marcus - for all the life-giving sermons! Listening to him made a huge change in my life. God worked through him to speak to me.

4) Aunty Carol - for supporting and encouraging me in my walk with Him, and for a lot of financial help as well!

5) Joy - mentor and fellow pilgrim, friend and sister! God has truly blessed me abundantly through you.

6) Chun Chung - mentor, friend, and shrink. Thank you for taking time to be my friend, even though it's part of your job. And thank you for putting up with my craziness and annoying questions, and for helping me focus. You make me realize important things, and re-orient me.

7) Joshua - for putting up with all the questions I had (and still have), and actually answering them. You're accessible; I wasn't as intimidated at bugging you than at bugging pastors.

These are the most important and direct influences and 'help' in my early Christian life; they've made a tremendous impact on me, and I'm thankful to God for placing them in my life.

Whooooo hooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Blogger Unknown said...

we officially have a new title for Chun Chung.
it's chun shrink.
very the chun. haha

Sun Jun 03, 09:40:00 PM  

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