Tuesday, August 14, 2007

According to the front page of today's edition of The Star, 14 August 2007, it's time for that game again: the Blame Game.

Boy, are bus companies all over Malaysia gonna feel the heat or what! I can predict what's going to happen, though.

First, there will of course be extensive media coverage on irresponsible bus drivers and bus companies, accompanied by a slew of angry letters from outraged citizens all over Malaysia. Maybe even an interview or two, featuring past survivors, or relatives of victims.

Inevitably, the government will then step in (or be dragged in), and make appropriate comforting noises and show that they will take steps to prevent this horrendous thing from happening again. Excuses will be made for the terrible bus accident, notwithstanding the fact that irresponsible bus drivers have been a recurring nightmare for every bus passenger in Malaysia ever since time immemorial.

Add into this mixture a scapegoat to take the heat, a few 'crackdowns', and in a few months' time, all will be settled, maybe even forgotten. Bus drivers all over Malaysia will then be able to resume their manic antics on the road, speeding on highways and normal roads, terrorizing smaller vehicles, killing other people.

Until the next major accident, and subsequent big hoo-ha, that is. Then they just repeat the cycle.

Merdeka! Merdeka! Merdeka! Can you feel the semangat patriotisme coursing through your veins yet?


Blogger flynstync said...

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Tue Aug 14, 07:37:00 PM  
Blogger flynstync said...

Merdeka! I'm talking about me first year exams.. lol.. nope nothing to be patriotic about this year or every other year, not until we are made to 'feel' Malaysian...

Tue Aug 14, 07:39:00 PM  

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