Tuesday, December 27, 2005

Save the Cherries!!!

Cherries today are being popped at an alarming rate. Girls as young as 9 have begun experimenting with sex. It's quite frankly disturbing.

Yes, call me conservative or old-fashioned, but I strongly believe that sex should be confined within marriage.

Do women honestly think that having sex with a man can make him love you more? Dream on. if he really loved you in the first place, he'd respect you. That includes 'no sex'. A bit of truth - harsh and ugly maybe, but true nonetheless - most men don't care about the girls they sleep with. As long as they have an avenue, they're happy. Sleeping with them won't make them love you more. Sex, to men, has a different meaning than to women.

And think of all those diseases you could catch. Eww.

This poem by Hilary Tham sums my thoughts up best.

Equal pay, yes, of course. Equal sex
I cannot understand. They are throwing away
Years and years of women’s work?
From the beginning, women have made men
Pay for sex – a leg of wild boar, gold
chains, marriage. Now, their daughters give
it away, call it freedom! And the men,
the men are laughing as they go
from bed to bed to bed.

Very eloquent, don't you think?


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