Love? A Feeling? Something?
Love. Such an overused term, thrown about thoughtlessly, peppered in speeches lightly as if it means nothing, an unfortunate misnomer for what people "feel". And then, a few years down the road, none of the people who uttered fervent 'I love you's to each other are together anymore.
Is love valued so cheaply now? Where is its sanctity?
It offends the very essence of 'love' if love were to be described as what you feel. Feelings cannot be trusted entirely. Besides, it is easily confused with infatuation, or - even worse! - lust.
*I love you, I can't live without you...!!! - that's more like a pathetic dependency/obsession.
*I love him/her, I can't stop thinking of him/her!!! - that's an infatuation. A real bad one. But not love.
When you feel like you can't live, can't eat, because of that person (whether s/he leaves you or is geographically/emotionally distant from you or whatever screwed-up scenario you're in), it's DEFINITELY NOT LOVE. It just proves that you're deeply infatuated with, and have developed an unhealthy emotional dependence on, that person, i.e you're screwed up. Psychologically speaking, it might also mean that you want what you can't/don't have - typical human behavior.
All that crap about not being able to live without him/her? Pure nonsense. After all, what were you doing your whole life before you met that person?
People who feel that they are unable to continue living without their special one, or other half, or whatever term is used, are unfit to love. They aren't even 'loving' in the first place, they're just looking for an ideal, a peg to hang their dreams on. And that's not true love. You can't 'love' others when you're insecure, when you haven't even learnt to love yourself.
Au contraire, you can only love others when you've truly learnt to love yourself, and perhaps even to forgive yourself for any perceived shortcomings.
Love is not a feeling. Love is a conscious choice you make; certainly, there are feelings involved, but these feelings alone do not define what love is. Love is also a commitment, it's something you choose to do even when the other person hurts you. It is shown through actions - doing something for someone even if you really don't feel like it, because you know it will make that person happy.
Love is sacrificing a part of yourself for the other person's benefit. So how can incomplete people - people who aren't whole, people who don't love themselves - sacrifice for others?
Is love valued so cheaply now? Where is its sanctity?
It offends the very essence of 'love' if love were to be described as what you feel. Feelings cannot be trusted entirely. Besides, it is easily confused with infatuation, or - even worse! - lust.
*I love you, I can't live without you...!!! - that's more like a pathetic dependency/obsession.
*I love him/her, I can't stop thinking of him/her!!! - that's an infatuation. A real bad one. But not love.
When you feel like you can't live, can't eat, because of that person (whether s/he leaves you or is geographically/emotionally distant from you or whatever screwed-up scenario you're in), it's DEFINITELY NOT LOVE. It just proves that you're deeply infatuated with, and have developed an unhealthy emotional dependence on, that person, i.e you're screwed up. Psychologically speaking, it might also mean that you want what you can't/don't have - typical human behavior.
All that crap about not being able to live without him/her? Pure nonsense. After all, what were you doing your whole life before you met that person?
People who feel that they are unable to continue living without their special one, or other half, or whatever term is used, are unfit to love. They aren't even 'loving' in the first place, they're just looking for an ideal, a peg to hang their dreams on. And that's not true love. You can't 'love' others when you're insecure, when you haven't even learnt to love yourself.
Au contraire, you can only love others when you've truly learnt to love yourself, and perhaps even to forgive yourself for any perceived shortcomings.
Love is not a feeling. Love is a conscious choice you make; certainly, there are feelings involved, but these feelings alone do not define what love is. Love is also a commitment, it's something you choose to do even when the other person hurts you. It is shown through actions - doing something for someone even if you really don't feel like it, because you know it will make that person happy.
Love is sacrificing a part of yourself for the other person's benefit. So how can incomplete people - people who aren't whole, people who don't love themselves - sacrifice for others?
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