Tuesday, December 27, 2005

Human 'Rights'

The term 'human rights' seems nice, looks nice. It's packaged attractively. But look closer and you see the devil's ugly hand in it.

It's actually just another way of worshipping the "great god" Self.

Before you think I'm just another loony zealot, hear me out. Consider this : Didn't Eve's disobedience stem from what she perceived as her 'right' to be like God? Eat this, the serpent promised, and you will be like God.

Even until now, this is the lie perpetrated by the devil - that we can be like God, that we can save ourselves through our actions. That we should please ourselves first, and who cares about God?

Human rights is dangerous because it promotes behaviour contrary to God's law. The basis of these so-called 'rights' is a common, selfish desire of doing what we want, not what God wants. It promotes sin, legalizes sin. But in God's eyes, sin is still sin.

I have a right to live with my partner. I don't want to get married. What kind of crap is this?

Of course I don't mean to say that we shouldn't have rights at all. That would be impossible. But there should be a limit to it, and the limit should be God's law. We have perfect freedom in Christ, but this freedom does not mean that we have the 'license' to sin.

Human rights? Yea, right. Imagine giving more power to human beings, when we're already doing such a good job of screwing things up. Just look at the world - all we touch, we manage to pollute. Human rights? We can't even govern ourselves. Puh-leeze!


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