Tuesday, December 27, 2005

I Cooked!!!

The CF celebrated Christmas a few days (nights? hmm...) earlier with the BBQ at Marina Bay on the 21st December. It was an interesting experience and a great lesson on faith.

We'd been praying for good weather, seeing as how it had been raining consistently in the evenings for the past few days. God not only gave us good weather, He even threw in clear skies! There were stars shining so beautifully, like diamonds on black velvet... Orion was proudly regal in his eternal hunt. I pointed out his belt to Chun Chung, who was too involved with the chicken, or else plain disinterested, to care.

Anyway, everything went perfectly smoothly, with more people than expected. And - THANK GOD!!! - there was enough food for everyone, and they all left full. Thank God. I was so worried that the food would run out, but what does a lowly human girl know, right? There were leftovers. :)

And - this is the amazing part - I actually prepared the salad!!! Yea, okay, so it doesn't count as cooking, and it was a joint effort, but it was really an accomplishment of sorts for me. I can't even cook Maggi Mee, okay? (Ask Lawrence. He's tasted my efforts before!) And here I was, happily peeling potatoes and carrots, dicing them, slicing tomatoes. :)

The good part was that no one complained that it sucked (maybe they were too polite, but thank God for small mercies!). The better part is that no one got food poisoning (at least, I hope not. It's still early in the morning. I haven't met the people who went yet...hmmm...uh oh!). The BEST part is that Tai actually doggie-bagged the leftover salad and said it was good!!! Whoohoooooo!!!!!!!

It was great fun preparing the stuff at Joy's. Really crazy. She'd ask me questions like, What should I do with these? Which kind of potatoes are best barbecued? Is the pasta boiled enough? Each time I'd look at her and say, Joy, you're asking me?! I've never cooked before!

Yea, I know I shouldn't celebrate mediocrity, but damn, it was fun. :) Definitely one of the moments I'll treasure forever. :)

The funny thing was, being keyed up and tightly wound the whole day, running around for last minute stuff, anticipating the event, left me so exhausted when the time finally came and people arrived.

I was so tired and felt like leaving, but Lawrence persuaded me to stay through at least the worship session. I did, and then I felt revived. The icebreakers took care of the last remains of exhaustion. I think I was laughing more than participating!

And thanks to Chun Chung, the food turned out great. Everything was perfect. :) God is good, all the time.

We had a short sharing by Chun Chung - he fed us physical as well as spiritual food! Apparently, he'd prepared something else, but by divine intervention there was a slight modification on his sharing.

Then we sang songs, and it was ended.

Thanks to all the lovely people who made it possible :

Ben - for organizing the event and playing guitar and making us laugh with your falsetto voice. Justin - you did a great job emcee-ing and planning the icebreakers! And thanks for staying for the clean-up. Dennis - for leading the worship. Hock Chai, Sin Yee, Jia Yit, Yisrael, Lawrence and Joy - for helping out with the food! Amanda - for the invitations.

I think I can safely say everyone enjoyed themselves very much, and made new friends To God be the glory!


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