Tuesday, December 27, 2005

A Man Called Norman

I was browsing through the IPG library one day when my attention was strangely drawn to a boring looking (and sounding!) book titled A Man Called Norman, by Mike Adkins. I thought it was going to be a draggy story.

But surprisingly, it turned out to be one of the best books I've ever read. It tells of a friendship between a lonely hermit everyone thought was crazy, and a young Christian.

It's not based on a true story - it is the true story of Norman and Mike. How God moved Mike and taught him the true meaning of Love thy neighbour as thyself.

I was struck, again, at how cruel human beings are. How quick we are to judge others, to isolate those different than us just to gain a false sense of superiority.

And how gracious and loving God is, how amazing His grace, how real God is.

Most of all, it taught me to view people differently. The weird guy over there? The crazy old lady you see?

They might not be the crazy ones.

To love God is to love His people!


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