Tuesday, December 27, 2005

Seeing is Believing?

A usual argument for non-believers is this : You can't see God, so how can you prove He exists?

For such detractors, I have a few things to say.

1) You can't see the wind.

2) You feel love, hatred, anger, joy - but these emotions can't be seen. Only its effects can be seen.

3) Usually, these non-believers claim that science disproves God's existence. Well, then, those who believe in the 'Big Bang' theory and all should certainly subscribe to the theory that all matter is made up of atoms, right? I throw this question back at them - If they can't see atoms, then why do they believe that all matter is made up of atoms? What about viruses and bacteria? These can't be seen with the naked eye either, only with the aid of microscopes and such. Yet we know they exist. And in the first place, why were microscopes created? Because men wanted to search for something which they couldn't, as yet, see with their eyes.
They believed in the existence of germs and set out to find them - and succeeded.

We Christians - not all have seen God physically. But we believe He exists, we know He exists. We feel Him. He is real, as real as the wind, as real as your thoughts and emotions.

You are living proof that He exists. (If you were descendants of apes, why are there still apes walking around? For that matter, who created the apes?)


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