Saturday, December 31, 2005

True Malaysian Spirit

I'm sitting in a cyber cafe to get some work done. On my right are Malay boys. On my left are the Mandarin-speaking contingent. At my back, the next row of computers are seats of some English-speaking Chinese boys.

They're divided by language, the last speaking in an annoying faux-accent.

Yet, all are occupied with online gaming. They yell and shout in squeaky, adolescent voices. Whiny as mosquitoes, loud as firecrackers - equally annoying as both.

And one huge trait which so obviously makes them all the same - cursing.

The Mandarin-speakers are surprisingly the least voluble of all. Yet there have been one or two epithets. The pseudo-Caucasians (*choke* puke*) throw in a "f**k" frequently.

But the worst are the Malay boys on my right. They curse almost every 5 minutes, and whaddaya know, they're bilingual! They can even curse in Hokkien!!! Malaysia Boleh!!!

The guy directly to my right is the worst. He has huge headphones on his head and yells every minute. His laugh is loud and akin to a donkey's bray, except that the latter is more melodious. He must've come here right after waking up, because he forgot to brush his teeth. I know. I'm enveloped by a cloud of disgusting grossness every time he opens his mouth.

*sigh* I'm just so tired of all these people.

I need a laptop ASAP.


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