Friday, February 17, 2006

Male Chauvinist Assholes

Jurisprudence class, topic: Feminism.

Interesting. What was especially significant, though, was the number of chauvinistic remarks made by certain male participants of the discussion.

Touching on the issue of trophy wives, one guy said it was entirely the woman's fault.


Granted, the woman has no dignity - she sold it in return for the lifestyle. BUT to say that this 'culture' is wholly the fault of the woman? Now that's just plain assholic.

Why not blame the man, who actually needs a younger woman to boost his self-esteem? That's just pathetic, but no one's saying anything, as if he has a right to do so.

As long as there are assholic jerks out there who think like this, that women are to blame for everything, that women 'deserve' everything they get, well, this world is headed for a massive screw-up.

Oh, wait. It already is screwed-up.

Well, to all assholic male chauvinists out there, I salute you...with the one-fingered salute, that is. In case you're still not sure which digit I'm referring to, it's the longest finger.


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