Sunday, May 14, 2006

A Miracle-Working God

Yes, those Bible stories where God works miracles are so wonderful - blinding the eyes of those who mean harm to His people so they could escape, the jar of oil which never ran dry - but they're just events which happened to people in olden days, right? God only worked then, in Biblical times. Christianity is outdated. In fact, God has no relevance in modern society today. We have Science, which disproves miracles.

God is outmoded, right?


Our God is eternal, and He never changes. And He still works miracles, where there is faith.

Cornelia ten Boom and her sister Betsie, during World War II, were sent to Ravensbruck, a concentration camp. All prisoners had to remove their clothes and go to the showers, where they were then given thin prison clothes to wear.

They were worried as they had to give the guards all their possesions; the sisters wanted to keep their Bible and a bottle of drops for Betsie's health with them, but there didn't seem to be a way.

Suddenly, Betsie had to go to the toilet again - her stomach had been giving her problems due to the conditions which she was subjected to. A guard rudely told them to go to the showers and use the drain, instead of showing them to a proper toilet.

They had no choice but to obey. Then Corrnelia spied some benches. She hurriedly took the Bible, the bottle of drops, and a sweater and stuffed them out of sight among the benches.

They went back out to stand in line. Each was stripped of all they had, and walked to the showers naked.

After the shower, they had to put on the thin prison garb. Cornelia bundled up the Bible, the bottle, and the sweater, and wore them underneath her dress. But the dress was so thin, the bundle so conspicuous. Surely the guards would see!

She walked out of the shower. The women prisoners were searched once more by the guards. Astonishingly, the guards did not touch her. The woman in front of her, and Betsie, who was behind her, were searched. But the guards only rudely told her to move on as she was blocking the line!

Such a jaw-dropping display of God's power.

Then there was that bottle of drops. As it was a small bottle, Cornelia tended to hoard it up for her sister, but she could not find it in her heart to refuse those who asked because they needed it desperately too. Cornelia was anxious; she worried that they would run out of that medicine. It's such a small bottle, she thought, and there are so many of them. How could it last?

Again, Jehovah Jireh provided. That bottle never ran out. Drop by drop, it kept producing the much-needed medicine for all who asked. Beyond all human logic, it did not run out.

One day, a kind-hearted nurse managed to smuggle in some medicine for the women. Cornelia was overjoyed - extra medicine for the sick! She told Betsie that they would use up the drops in the bottle first. But no matter how she tilted and turned the bottle, it did not produce any more drops.

Such a great testimony of God's gracious provision!

Only when human strength runs out can God be truly glorified.


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