Tuesday, April 25, 2006


Sometimes there are friends you treasure very much. They've been with you through thick and thin, and you both enjoy and value the friendship. These are the Best Friends.

Then there are the friends you haven't known for long, but immediately like them and would love to get to know them better. These are the Potential Best Friends, all it takes is time.

Then there are those whom you thought was your best friend, but it turned out that the person doesn't like you. Those are just called A Waste Of Time (in polite terms. There are other choice, censored words I could think of). Among these are the backstabbers and traitors, and those who use you just because you have something you can offer them. These are the worst kind of people there are, because they are nice to your face and frighteningly correct to you.

But underneath, you can sense a certain disdain and perhaps even a strong dislike of you. It crops up at unexpected times, a slip, perhaps, of the so-called friend's tongue.

Achingly disgusting hypocrites. They act differently towards you when they're alone with you and when there are people around you both. They act differently when they need your help.

And sometimes they can be so nauseatingly sweet to you - or say nauseatingly sweet things about you - in front of the people who love you, so fake that it is by a huge amount of will power that you do not puke.

But the only thing I can do is to pray about it, and try to love that person anyway. God will judge.

Being a Christian ain't easy.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

ooooo.. it sounds a lot like my caseeeee.. you're a mindreader!!! =D

Tue Apr 25, 10:49:00 PM  

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