Friday, May 05, 2006

My Christian Faith

Are you a Christian because the people around you are Christians?

Am I like that? A Christian as a result of circumstances, talking the talk but not really knowing what it's all about?

A Christian only when I'm surrounded by Christians, for convenience and comfort, to fit in with my friends? If I were surrounded by non-Christians, would I stop living a life consecrated to God and adopt the ways of the people around me?

Faced with these thought-provoking questions which touch upon the very core of my faith, there is only one answer I can give.


With a joyful heart I can truthfully say that I am a Christian because I love Jesus! And because He called me to Him, by His grace.

I recognize and cherish His love for me, demonstrated on the Cross so faithfully. That wonderful love which is so quick to forgive sincere, repentant sinners; the love which causes Him to weep with us and to bind up our wounds and heal our broken hearts; that love which comforts us; that perfect, unconditional love which sees us through our darkest trials and leads us out victoriously, even though it was through our own fault we were there in the first place.

Love, mercy, and grace eternal!

How could I respond to this perfect love with anything less than utter gratefulness? How could I give Him anything less than my whole heart and soul, my total allegiance - my life?

I recognize Him as my Lord, my Savior, my Master, my Friend.

I love Jesus!

Though no one follows
Still I will follow
No turning back
No turning back...


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