Thursday, January 05, 2006

2006 - A New Me?

Nah, not a 'new' me. More like an upgraded version. Can't be really 'new', which means I must be old. *sigh* Gotta start hanging out with older people, man.

Anyway, I digress.

Improvements - how?

Thanx to invaluable feedback on a 'poll' of sorts, I've made new resolutions for 2006! Well, not all are new. Some are recycled.

Like, *study hard*. That's an old one. Always on the list, never gets done. Oh well.

This year, I resolve to 'take captive every thought and make it obedient to Christ'! I'm going to root out, with God's help, the last vestiges of my anger and impatience! I will stop gossiping! I will intercede for at least half an hour a day. I want to finish studying the Bible this year.

And I'm going to learn basic Greek! Or learn to read and write it anyway. Maybe some Spanish later on, assuming I have the resources to do so. I will polish up my writing skills.

I'm going to sacrifice my best to Christ. I WILL be transformed daily to be more and more like Christ.

Of course, those are only from the Personal Achievement Department.

The Human Relations Department has thrown up some challenging ones for this year. I have to love people more, feel for them the way Jesus feels for us. I want to be a better friend. And I must move out of my comfort zone - I want to be friends with more people.

Tough job, this. Equally as tough as studying hard!

Take captive every thought... and emotion and action as well! Make myself completely obedient to Christ.

For to me, to live is Christ and to die is gain... Lord, help me.


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