Monday, March 17, 2008

Would you buy an expensive box of chocolates, knowing that most of the chocolates inside are rotten?

Any consumer would obviously steer clear of such a purchase. It's a waste of money.

The Bible says You were bought at a price... (1 Corinthians 7:23)

Yes, people, all humanity have been bought at a dear price - by the blood of Jesus, with His very life.

And the most amazing thing is this: He already knew that we were like that box of chocolates, all rotten and stinky, and yet He chose to give up His life for us so we could be saved. Reconciled to God. Made clean.

To all the detractors out there who claim that God is arrogant and unfair for saying that Jesus is the only way to heaven, I ask you this: Would an arrogant, unfair God die for us? I don't think so.

To all those who say that God still has much to 'prove' to humanity, I say this: He has spoken to us, given us His Word, suffered for us, and given us His very life. What more do we need? His miracles are evident, if only you would open your eyes to see. He is real, if only you would choose to believe.

We are less than nothing, but He gave up everything for us. Brothers and sisters, what would we give up for Him?


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