Friday, April 14, 2006

Putting God In A Box

"I am the LORD, the God of all mankind. Is anything too hard for me?" - Jeremiah 32:27

It's inevitable. Whenever I profess my faith in God and His ability to help in any and every circumstance, the person I'm speaking to will smirk and give me an annoying, smug, I-know-what-it's-really-like-out-there look. This look implies that I'm naive for trusting in God, that I am to be pitied for my childish beliefs.

But in truth, they are the ones to be pitied!

The sad part is that some of those who disbelief call themselves Christians. I am in no position to judge, but it is utterly heartbreaking when God's own children put Him in a box, limiting His love and power. It's sad that they choose to belief in the devil's lies, and create indestructible obstacles in their own minds, obstacles so 'powerful' that they think God cannot work to help them overcome it.

And you know what? They're right, in a way. God cannot help them win the victory over their trials because they refuse to believe that God can do so! Their faith is dead.

But I choose not to be like them. I choose to trust in my God, in His love and promises.

I understand perfectly well that life's not a bed of roses. I'm not saying that just because I believe in God, my life will be smooth sailing all the way or that I won't ever face difficulties. God never promised me a life filled with sunshine and happiness always.

What I'm saying is this: that even though I go through trials, I can rest assured that God is always there with me to see me through. That no matter what evils I face, God is able to change it into good. That I will emerge from each adversity stronger, purified and refined as gold is purified and refined till my Maker is reflected in me.

If God brings me to it, I have the fullest confidence that He will also bring me through it.

Yes, I know life can suck. Horrible things might happen to me - or worse, to the people I love - but I will never curse God, nor will my faith in Him be shaken.

Nothing is impossible for God. He heals and He provides, but most importantly, God loves!

And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose. - Romans 8:28


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